År: 1918
Lengde: 3 mins
Beskrivelse: I. 'LONDON FLOWER FAIR. Lord Charles Beresford receives Royal party at British Ambulance Society's function in Trafalgar Square.' Admiral Lord Beresford in formal civilian dress talks with ex-Queen Amelie of Portugal - in centre frame stands the Duchess of Portland with a parasol. Beresford talks with Princess Victoria, the Princess Royal, who is standing with her niece Lady Maude Carnegie, the daughter of Princess Louise - the Duchess of Portland curtseys to the Princess. The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Portland are shown round the fair together - Princess Victoria holds a sprig of blossom.II. 'THE HUN TOUCH IN ITALY. Berti Solderini villa at Nervesa, containing precious frescoes by Paul Veronese, destroyed by Austrians.' MS pan over the interior of the gutted villa, and pan up to show traces of the mural work remaining high up on the walls.III. 'SURREY RED CROSS SPORTS. Interesting events at 301st. Reserve Labour Coy's meeting at Carshalton.' A race is run by nurses - at the end of a length they must thread a needle (?) before running back. Soldiers race to fill buckets with stones picked up one at a time over increasing distances. A man pushes a wheelbarrow in which is seated a team-mate holding a pole which must be passed through a hole in a board suspended above the track; if the pole does not pass through the hole cleanly and the board moves, a pail of water is upset over the competitors. A pillow fight on a beam suspended over a shallow pond. An apparently conventional 100-yard dash.IV. 'THE STRONG MEN OF FRANCE. M. Clemenceau, who embodies his countrymen's will to fight on to victory, visits the front.' Clémenceau talks with staff officers at an HQ near Plémont, then visits the trenches and talks with a group of soldiers. 'General Foch, chief of Allied armies in France, with his staff.' MS pan left to right over the Marshal and his staff outside a château. Foch is talking with a US officer, and one of the staff links arms with the American for the photo-opportunity - somewhat to the latter's surprise. MCU of Foch at his ease in the grounds.V. 'AMERICANS GOING OVER THE TOP. The actual advance of men and tanks at Montdidier where 170 prisoners were captured.' LS as US troops rise up from trenches to advance slowly across flat grassy land - Schneider tanks support the attack. A file of men pass right to left just in front of the camera - one holds a Chauchat light machine gun.
I. Opening of the London Flower Fair is attended by the Princess Royal.II. A war-damaged villa at Nervesa on the River Piave, Italy.III. The 301st Reserve Labour Company hold a sports day at Carshalton.IV. Clémenceau visits the Front. Foch with his staff.V. American forces advance at the Battle of Cantigny.
Nøkkelord: EFG1914 / World War I / Portland (Duchess) / Victoria, Princess / Amelie, Queen of Portugal / Carnegie, Maude / Beresford, Charles William de la Poer / Foch, Ferdinand J M / Clemenceau, Georges E B / Weygand, Maxime / British Motor Ambulance Committee / British Army, Labour Corps, Reserve Labour Coy 301 / British Red Cross / World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical care / French Army / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force & Div 1 & Infantry Regt 28 / internationalism, private, British / society, British - charity / buildings, Italian - historic: Berti Solderini villa & [damaged] / destruction, Italian military - area: artillery bombardment / propaganda, British - inflammatory / society, British military - charity / recreation, British military - sport: sports day / delegations, French national - state: Clemenceau visits French troops / operations, French military - routine / society, French military - friendship: United States / armour, French - tank: Schneider CA1 & [United States] & [-] / operations, French military - sortie / 01/3(4-15).80 [1918 Cantigny] / GB, England & London, WC
/ Italy & Nervesa, Veneto / Carshalton, Surrey, England, UK / Cartigny, Aisne, France / Plemont, Somme, France -
Leverandør: Imperial War Museums
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produksjonsselskap: Topical Film Company
Farge: Black & White
Sound: Without sound